| Vega (string name, Symbol option, IRiskFreeInterestRateModel riskFreeRateModel, IDividendYieldModel dividendYieldModel, Symbol mirrorOption=null, OptionPricingModelType? optionModel=null, OptionPricingModelType? ivModel=null) |
| Initializes a new instance of the Vega class More...
| Vega (Symbol option, IRiskFreeInterestRateModel riskFreeRateModel, IDividendYieldModel dividendYieldModel, Symbol mirrorOption=null, OptionPricingModelType? optionModel=null, OptionPricingModelType? ivModel=null) |
| Initializes a new instance of the Vega class More...
| Vega (string name, Symbol option, PyObject riskFreeRateModel, PyObject dividendYieldModel, Symbol mirrorOption=null, OptionPricingModelType? optionModel=null, OptionPricingModelType? ivModel=null) |
| Initializes a new instance of the Vega class More...
| Vega (Symbol option, PyObject riskFreeRateModel, PyObject dividendYieldModel, Symbol mirrorOption=null, OptionPricingModelType? optionModel=null, OptionPricingModelType? ivModel=null) |
| Initializes a new instance of the Vega class More...
| Vega (string name, Symbol option, IRiskFreeInterestRateModel riskFreeRateModel, decimal dividendYield=0.0m, Symbol mirrorOption=null, OptionPricingModelType? optionModel=null, OptionPricingModelType? ivModel=null) |
| Initializes a new instance of the Vega class More...
| Vega (Symbol option, IRiskFreeInterestRateModel riskFreeRateModel, decimal dividendYield=0.0m, Symbol mirrorOption=null, OptionPricingModelType? optionModel=null, OptionPricingModelType? ivModel=null) |
| Initializes a new instance of the Vega class More...
| Vega (string name, Symbol option, PyObject riskFreeRateModel, decimal dividendYield=0.0m, Symbol mirrorOption=null, OptionPricingModelType? optionModel=null, OptionPricingModelType? ivModel=null) |
| Initializes a new instance of the Vega class More...
| Vega (Symbol option, PyObject riskFreeRateModel, decimal dividendYield=0.0m, Symbol mirrorOption=null, OptionPricingModelType? optionModel=null, OptionPricingModelType? ivModel=null) |
| Initializes a new instance of the Vega class More...
| Vega (string name, Symbol option, decimal riskFreeRate=0.05m, decimal dividendYield=0.0m, Symbol mirrorOption=null, OptionPricingModelType? optionModel=null, OptionPricingModelType? ivModel=null) |
| Initializes a new instance of the Vega class More...
| Vega (Symbol option, decimal riskFreeRate=0.05m, decimal dividendYield=0.0m, Symbol mirrorOption=null, OptionPricingModelType? optionModel=null, OptionPricingModelType? ivModel=null) |
| Initializes a new instance of the Vega class More...
override void | Reset () |
| Resets this indicator and all sub-indicators More...
override void | Reset () |
| Resets this indicator and all sub-indicators More...
override decimal | CalculateGreek (decimal timeTillExpiry) |
| Calculate the Vega of the option More...
| OptionGreeksIndicatorBase (string name, Symbol option, IRiskFreeInterestRateModel riskFreeRateModel, IDividendYieldModel dividendYieldModel, Symbol mirrorOption=null, OptionPricingModelType? optionModel=null, OptionPricingModelType? ivModel=null) |
| Initializes a new instance of the OptionGreeksIndicatorBase class More...
| OptionGreeksIndicatorBase (string name, Symbol option, IRiskFreeInterestRateModel riskFreeRateModel, decimal dividendYield=0.0m, Symbol mirrorOption=null, OptionPricingModelType? optionModel=null, OptionPricingModelType? ivModel=null) |
| Initializes a new instance of the OptionGreeksIndicatorBase class More...
| OptionGreeksIndicatorBase (string name, Symbol option, decimal riskFreeRate=0.05m, decimal dividendYield=0.0m, Symbol mirrorOption=null, OptionPricingModelType? optionModel=null, OptionPricingModelType? ivModel=null) |
| Initializes a new instance of the OptionGreeksIndicatorBase class More...
| OptionGreeksIndicatorBase (string name, Symbol option, PyObject riskFreeRateModel, PyObject dividendYieldModel, Symbol mirrorOption=null, OptionPricingModelType? optionModel=null, OptionPricingModelType? ivModel=null) |
| Initializes a new instance of the OptionGreeksIndicatorBase class More...
| OptionGreeksIndicatorBase (string name, Symbol option, PyObject riskFreeRateModel, decimal dividendYield=0.0m, Symbol mirrorOption=null, OptionPricingModelType? optionModel=null, OptionPricingModelType? ivModel=null) |
| Initializes a new instance of the OptionGreeksIndicatorBase class More...
override decimal | Calculate (IndicatorDataPoint input) |
| Computes the next value of the option greek indicator More...
| OptionIndicatorBase (string name, Symbol option, IRiskFreeInterestRateModel riskFreeRateModel, IDividendYieldModel dividendYieldModel, Symbol mirrorOption=null, OptionPricingModelType? optionModel=null, int period=2) |
| Initializes a new instance of the OptionIndicatorBase class More...
override decimal | ComputeNextValue (IndicatorDataPoint input) |
| Computes the next value of this indicator from the given state. This will round the result to 7 decimal places. More...
static OptionPricingModelType | GetOptionModel (OptionPricingModelType? optionModel, OptionStyle optionStyle) |
| Gets the option pricing model based on the option style, if not specified More...
override bool | IsReady => ImpliedVolatility.IsReady |
| Gets a flag indicating when this indicator is ready and fully initialized More...
OptionRight | Right => OptionSymbol.ID.OptionRight |
| Gets the option right (call/put) of the option More...
decimal | Strike => OptionSymbol.ID.StrikePrice |
| Gets the strike price of the option More...
OptionStyle | Style => OptionSymbol.ID.OptionStyle |
| Gets the option style (European/American) of the option More...
bool | UseMirrorContract => _oppositeOptionSymbol != null |
| Flag if mirror option is implemented for parity type calculation More...
Symbol | _underlyingSymbol => OptionSymbol.Underlying |
| Underlying security's symbol object More...
decimal | _greekValue [get, set] |
| Cache of the current value of the greek More...
ImpliedVolatility | ImpliedVolatility [get, set] |
| Gets the implied volatility of the option More...
Symbol | OptionSymbol [get] |
| Option's symbol object More...
Symbol | _oppositeOptionSymbol [get] |
| Mirror option symbol (by option right), for implied volatility More...
OptionPricingModelType | _optionModel [get, set] |
| Option pricing model used to calculate indicator More...
IRiskFreeInterestRateModel | _riskFreeInterestRateModel [get] |
| Risk-free rate model More...
IDividendYieldModel | _dividendYieldModel [get] |
| Dividend yield model, for continuous dividend yield More...
DateTime | Expiry [get] |
| Gets the expiration time of the option More...
Identity | RiskFreeRate [get, set] |
| Risk Free Rate More...
Identity | DividendYield [get, set] |
| Dividend Yield More...
IndicatorBase< IndicatorDataPoint > | Price [get] |
| Gets the option price level More...
IndicatorBase< IndicatorDataPoint > | OppositePrice [get] |
| Gets the mirror option price level, for implied volatility More...
IndicatorBase< IndicatorDataPoint > | UnderlyingPrice [get] |
| Gets the underlying's price level More...
int | WarmUpPeriod [get, set] |
| Required period, in data points, for the indicator to be ready and fully initialized. More...
int | WarmUpPeriod [get] |
| Required period, in data points, for the indicator to be ready and fully initialized. More...
Option Vega indicator that calculate the Vega of an option
sensitivity of option price on IV changes
Definition at line 27 of file Vega.cs.