Lean  $LEAN_TAG$
QuantConnect.Packets.AlphaNodePacket Class Reference

Alpha job packet More...

Inheritance diagram for QuantConnect.Packets.AlphaNodePacket:

Public Member Functions

 AlphaNodePacket ()
 Initializes a new default instance of the AlgorithmNodePacket class More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from QuantConnect.Packets.LiveNodePacket
 LiveNodePacket ()
 Default constructor for JSON of the Live Task Packet More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from QuantConnect.Packets.AlgorithmNodePacket
 AlgorithmNodePacket (PacketType type)
 Default constructor for the algorithm node: More...
string GetAlgorithmName ()
 Gets a unique name for the algorithm defined by this packet More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from QuantConnect.Packets.Packet
 Packet (PacketType type)
 Initialize the base class and setup the packet type. More...


string AlphaId [get, set]
 Gets or sets the alpha id More...
- Properties inherited from QuantConnect.Packets.LiveNodePacket
override AlgorithmMode AlgorithmMode [get]
 Algorithm running mode. More...
- Properties inherited from QuantConnect.Packets.AlgorithmNodePacket
string AlgorithmId [get]
 Algorithm Id - BacktestId or DeployId - Common Id property between packets. More...
int RamAllocation [get]
 The maximum amount of RAM (in MB) this algorithm is allowed to utilize More...
virtual AlgorithmMode AlgorithmMode = AlgorithmMode.Backtesting [get]
 Algorithm running mode. More...
- Properties inherited from QuantConnect.Packets.PythonEnvironmentPacket
string PythonVirtualEnvironment [get, set]
 Virtual environment ID used to find PythonEvironments Ideally MD5, but environment names work as well. More...
- Properties inherited from QuantConnect.Packets.Packet
PacketType Type = PacketType.None [get, set]
 Packet type defined by a string enum More...
virtual string Channel = "" [get, set]
 User unique specific channel endpoint to send the packets More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from QuantConnect.Packets.LiveNodePacket
string DeployId = ""
 Deploy Id for this live algorithm. More...
string Brokerage = ""
 String name of the brokerage we're trading with More...
Dictionary< string, string > BrokerageData = new Dictionary<string, string>()
 String-String Dictionary of Brokerage Data for this Live Job More...
string DataQueueHandler = ""
 String name of the DataQueueHandler or LiveDataProvider we're running with More...
string DataChannelProvider = ""
 String name of the DataChannelProvider we're running with More...
bool DisableAcknowledgement
 Gets flag indicating whether or not the message should be acknowledged and removed from the queue More...
HashSet< string > NotificationEvents
 A list of event types to generate notifications for, which will use NotificationTargets More...
List< NotificationNotificationTargets
 A list of notification targets to use More...
HashSet< string > LiveDataTypes
 List of real time data types available in the live trading environment More...
- Public Attributes inherited from QuantConnect.Packets.AlgorithmNodePacket
string HostName
 The host name to use if any More...
int UserId = 0
 User Id placing request More...
string UserToken = ""
 User API Token.
string OrganizationId = ""
 User Organization Id.
int ProjectId = 0
 Project Id of the request More...
string ProjectName
 Project name of the request More...
string SessionId = ""
 User session Id for authentication More...
Language Language = Language.CSharp
 Language flag: Currently represents IL code or Dynamic Scripted Types. More...
ServerType ServerType = ServerType.Server512
 Server type for the deployment (512, 1024, 2048) More...
string CompileId = ""
 Unique compile id of this backtest More...
string Version
 Version number identifier for the lean engine. More...
bool Redelivered = false
 An algorithm packet which has already been run and is being redelivered on this node. In this event we don't want to relaunch the task as it may result in unexpected behaviour for user. More...
byte[] Algorithm = new byte[] { }
 Algorithm binary with zip of contents More...
string RequestSource = "WebIDE"
 Request source - Web IDE or API - for controling result handler behaviour More...
Controls Controls
 Specifies values to control algorithm limits More...
Dictionary< string, string > Parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>()
 The parameter values used to set algorithm parameters More...
string HistoryProvider = ""
 String name of the HistoryProvider we're running with More...
DeploymentTarget DeploymentTarget
 Deployment target, either local or cloud. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from QuantConnect.Packets.PythonEnvironmentPacket
 PythonEnvironmentPacket (PacketType type)
 Default constructor for a PythonEnvironmentPacket More...

Detailed Description

Alpha job packet

Definition at line 24 of file AlphaNodePacket.cs.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ AlphaNodePacket()

QuantConnect.Packets.AlphaNodePacket.AlphaNodePacket ( )

Initializes a new default instance of the AlgorithmNodePacket class

Definition at line 34 of file AlphaNodePacket.cs.

Property Documentation

◆ AlphaId

string QuantConnect.Packets.AlphaNodePacket.AlphaId

Gets or sets the alpha id

Definition at line 29 of file AlphaNodePacket.cs.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: