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QuantConnect.Python Namespace Reference


class  BasePythonWrapper
 Base class for Python wrapper classes More...
class  BenchmarkPythonWrapper
 Provides an implementation of IBenchmark that wraps a PyObject object More...
class  BrokerageMessageHandlerPythonWrapper
 Provides a wrapper for IBrokerageMessageHandler implementations written in python More...
class  BrokerageModelPythonWrapper
 Provides an implementation of IBrokerageModel that wraps a PyObject object More...
class  BuyingPowerModelPythonWrapper
 Wraps a PyObject object that represents a security's model of buying power More...
class  CommandPythonWrapper
 Python wrapper for a python defined command type More...
class  DataConsolidatorPythonWrapper
 Provides an Data Consolidator that wraps a PyObject object that represents a custom Python consolidator More...
class  DividendYieldModelPythonWrapper
 Wraps a PyObject object that represents a dividend yield model More...
class  FeeModelPythonWrapper
 Provides an order fee model that wraps a PyObject object that represents a model that simulates order fees More...
class  FillModelPythonWrapper
 Wraps a PyObject object that represents a model that simulates order fill events More...
class  MarginCallModelPythonWrapper
 Provides a margin call model that wraps a PyObject object that represents the model responsible for picking which orders should be executed during a margin call More...
class  MarginInterestRateModelPythonWrapper
 Wraps a PyObject object that represents a security's margin interest rate model More...
class  OptionAssignmentModelPythonWrapper
 Python wrapper for custom option assignment models More...
class  PandasColumnAttribute
 Attribute to rename a property or field when converting an instance to a pandas DataFrame row. More...
class  PandasConverter
 Collection of methods that converts lists of objects in pandas.DataFrame More...
class  PandasData
 Organizes a list of data to create pandas.DataFrames More...
class  PandasIgnoreAttribute
 Attribute to mark a property or field as ignored when converting an instance to a pandas DataFrame row. No column will be created for this property or field. More...
class  PandasIgnoreMembersAttribute
 Attribute to indicate the pandas converter to ignore all members of the class when converting an instance to a pandas DataFrame row. More...
class  PandasNonExpandableAttribute
 Attribute to mark a class, field or property as non-expandable by the pandas converter. The instance will be added to the dataframe as it is, without unwrapping its fields and properties into columns. More...
class  PythonActivator
 Provides methods for creating new instances of python custom data objects More...
class  PythonConsolidator
 Provides a base class for python consolidators, necessary to use event handler. More...
class  PythonData
 Dynamic data class for Python algorithms. Stores properties of python instances in DynamicData dictionary More...
class  PythonInitializer
 Helper class for Python initialization More...
class  PythonSlice
 Provides a data structure for all of an algorithm's data at a single time step More...
class  PythonWrapper
 Provides extension methods for managing python wrapper classes More...
class  RiskFreeInterestRateModelPythonWrapper
 Wraps a PyObject object that represents a risk-free interest rate model More...
class  SecurityInitializerPythonWrapper
 Wraps a PyObject object that represents a type capable of initializing a new security More...
class  SettlementModelPythonWrapper
 Provides an implementation of ISettlementModel that wraps a PyObject object More...
class  SlippageModelPythonWrapper
 Wraps a PyObject object that represents a model that simulates market order slippage More...
class  VolatilityModelPythonWrapper
 Provides a volatility model that wraps a PyObject object that represents a model that computes the volatility of a security More...